President Evil #1,2,3 – Review

Posted on December 28, 2009


Issues: President Evil #1,2 & 3
Story & Art:
David Hutchison
Colors: Wes Hartman, David Hutchison, Robby Bevard
Editors: Doug Dlin, Wes Hartman, Joe Wight
Publisher: Antarctic Press
Release Date:
July – November 2009
24 (each)
$3.99 (each)

“Threat condition Red! Trillion-dollar deficits, machine gun-toting soccer moms, money-hungry contractors and flesh-hungry super soldiers lead by 200 yearsí worth of undead Presidents! Can we stop this new national nightmare? Yes we can! It’s time to set aside our partisan differences and petty bickering and unite behind “Ba-rot” Obama, the one man that can bring hope to our troubled shores. When the outgoing administrationís plan to shore up our depleted militaryís troop numbers goes awry, Washington, D.C. becomes ground zero for all-you-can-eat action, destruction, and some change you can believe in!

Artwork: 4.0 out of 5
I really enjoyed the overall look and feel of these issues. Not only was the style consistent from panel to panel but also issue to issue. Sure I can see if you not a fan of the anime look you might be turned off, but I plead with you, do it for the zombies! They look amazing! LOL! It’s not what you expect from this specific style and yet I want more instantly. The actual people that the characters are based off of are really nice, and funny representations too. The colors are almost always spot on and the covers for all three are great reworks of some classics. When all of it comes together it just works.

Story: 3.0 out of 5
Here’s where things gotta a little off track if you ask me. While from start to finish all of the issues are strong, they contain a lot of action and some nice interactions, it’s certain spots in the dialogue that are just off. Not to say that what is presented is bad, just repetitions on certain phrases can get old quick. However the story is filled with humor and nice references to people we see on the political scene daily. So overall the read is just a good ol’ fashioned rib tickler!

Dying Breath: 3.5 out of 5
So before you judge this book by it’s cover let me say that I did and I was pleasantly surprised with what I got. I mean expecting what you see on the cover to be inside is a given but the story is funny and very entertaining. I will say that knowledge on the people involved may be needed, I didn’t know who one of the guys were, but it still turned out just fine. Go into this book looking to have fun and it will deliver, plus you know you always wanted to see Obama solve the zombie crisis!

If you would like to know more about or purchase a copies of President Evil please go to

Posted in: Reviews