28 Days Later #6 – Review

Posted on February 11, 2010


Issue: 28 Days Later #6
Michael Alan Nelson
Declan Shalvey
Nick Filardi
Ed Dukeshire
Ian Brill
Cover Artists:
Tim Bradstreet, Sean Phillips
Boom Studios
Release Date:
February 2010

“Selena, Derrick and Clint have set their sights on London. Selena has survived one war with The Infected but can she make it through a second time? They’ve got a machete that’s hacked its share of infected and a gun with only nine bullets. Ammo, and time, is running out…

Artwork: 4.0 out of 5
We welcome back Declan in this issue and he stepped his game up. This issue is filled with great action scenes. It seems almost like his detail work even took a step forward as each panel shines. The coloring is again spot on and really helps to setup the moos. Overall another great looking issue.

Story: 4.0 out of 5
Sometimes the issues of this book can be really fast paced and then some slow paced. What if funny is how both work so well in moving this story along. I know there are people out there who want more story for the price, but what Nelson delivers here is another hook and some great character building as we see how they react to certain situations.

Dying Breath: 4.0 out of 5
it seems like each issue all I do is praise how well it moves along the storyline. Problem is it does, I mean if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. I love the ending this issue had and it just leaves me salivating at the idea of getting issue #7 now. This series is full of action and should be a read for all horror fans.

If you would like to buy 28 Days Later #6 you can pick it up at your local comic shop. For more on Boom Studios please check out http://www.boom-studios.com/

Posted in: Reviews